How Psychotherapy Works
A 7 minute short on how certain forms of psychotherapy ‘work’.
What is Cognitive Analytic Therapy
An 8 minute film developed by Sussex Partnership NHS Trust. Narrated by Dr Robert Marx, two people share their experiences of the different elements of the therapy.
What is CBT
A brief 1 minute introduction to the basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
The basics of polyvagal theory
Polyvagal theory has become a particularly key idea in the understanding of recovery from trauma and coping with anxiety. This 30 minute talk helps us understand what polyvagal theory is and why it is so important.
A compassionate approach to body image concerns
Professor Paul Gilbert provides a lecture at the 2016 conference of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder foundation, on how we can take a compassionate approach to understanding and supporting people living with body image concerns.
Downloadable documents
Cosmetic Surgery Screening Assessments
Information for patients

Useful Links
Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT)
The ACAT website offers an introduction to Cognitive Analytic Therapy, a collaborative programme for looking at the way a person thinks, feels and acts, and the events and relationships that underlie these experiences.
British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
The BABCP are the lead organisation and accrediting professional body for CBT in the UK and Ireland.
European Society for Trauma & Dissociation (ESTD)
The ESTD website is a good resource for understanding trauma-related difficulties and for accessing treatment guidelines based on international research.
A national charity run by and for people living with OCD.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation
A UK organisation that aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma and increase access to good quality treatment.
Find your local NHS psychology services
This online tool will tell you which local NHS services you should be able to access for free.
Question or Enquiry?
If you would like to discuss how we may be able to help in more detail, or have any questions about our services, please get in touch and we'll do our best to help.
In Crisis and Need Immediate help?
You may have accessed our website at a time where you feel you need immediate help. If you feel in overwhelming distress or despair, we've gathered some confidential, professional services designed to help on our crisis page.